
Sport in Abyssinia; Or, The Mareb and Tackazzee


Sport in Abyssinia; Or, The Mareb and Tackazzee is a fascinating account of the author's exploration of the Ethiopian wilderness through the medium of sport. Dermot Robert Wyndham Bourke, the Earl of Mayo, combines vivid descriptions of hunting expeditions with detailed observations of the local culture and geography. The book is written in a rich, descriptive style that immerses the reader in the exotic landscapes of Abyssinia and offers valuable insights into the customs and traditions of the region. This work is a valuable resource for both scholars of African history and enthusiasts of hunting literature. Bourke's unique perspective as a British nobleman adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, shedding light on the colonial attitudes of the time and the dynamics of power in Abyssinia. Sport in Abyssinia; Or, The Mareb and Tackazzee is recommended for readers interested in adventure, exploration, and the intersection of sports and imperialism.