


Mundo thought he knew what he wanted, then he met the Mate he never knew he needed.

Jimmy "Mundo" Aston always found himself deep in the sh*t. Whether it was going at it with rival bikers or cops, he never let his opponent get the better of him. This attitude was why he found himself in jail, eager to get out and back with his Club. Three hots and a cot weren't bad, and at over six feet tall he knew no one would try any funny business. So really it was just getting through the boredom, until he met her.

Christie Lockheart didn't believe in love. She didn't believe in chances. She'd lost loves to chance and thought they could go to hell for all she cared. She could at least focus on her work, the one thing that kept her grounded. As a dentist for the County Corrections department she went from jail to jail to treat inmates. Not a glamorous job, but she thought she was beyond glamor at this point. Until she met Mundo Aston, and their brief interaction left her with lots of questions... and the desire to take a chance again.

Just as they try to put together a normal life, the evil stalking the Nomads MC strikes again!

This full length bear shifter paranormal romance novel has all the action, steam and true love that only a Fated Mates story can deliver!