
Glitz Kids - Episode 4: Trauma


As a result of a terrible tragedy, Rico ends up in a clinic, desperately trying to heal his body and heart before the next training season begins. And Kamila, driven by the overwhelming love she feels in her heart, offers her help without a doubt. Yet, it doesn't take long for her to understand that Rico she once knew is no longer there. With uncontrollable anger and enormous sadness, his love becomes violent making Kamila question her choices.

But love is, really, blind. Forgiveness comes easy and, convinced by her own mind that she's the one Rico needs, Kamila takes a deep plunge into the dark and uncertain future. But when all her plans are canceled and her world shrinks to one person, will she still be Kamila Rico once knew?

Glitz Kids is a tasteful erotic novel where passion, secrecy, love, and pain are closely intertwined. It reveals shameful but irresistible desires, that even people who have it all cannot resist.