
Favors: A Prayer Approach For Blessings, Healing, Deliverance And Breakthrough


Most people believe that prayer is the only spiritual exercise a person can engage in when in helpless situation and become healed. Painfully too, such prayers are often carried out in a way that is capable of taking life out such individual. Bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come (1 Tim 4:8).

The solution to your problems – ‘Miracle’ – is a derived demand from those things that are within your power to do, pleasing God. What do I mean? One of the keys is giving away some of the treasures that mattered most to you. This is just an insight into this great book, I need to reserve the rest for you to discover as you read on.

In this book, I will be sharing with you the techniques you need to open the doors to your miracles, no matter how stubborn your situations may be.


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